Private Robert Morrow V.C.
The Newmills War Hero
Newspapers : From the Mid Ulster Mail dated 28th September 1940:
The Mid Ulster Mail reports Delmege Trimble corrcting the Newsletter.
Mid Ulster Mail dated 28th September 1940
The Morrow Memorial
The ‘Roamer’ of the Belfast Newsletter, referring to the Newmills V.C., described him as ‘Sergeant Robert Morrow’. Mr Delmege Trimble, of Armagh, writes pointing out that he was a humble private of the Royal Irish Fusiliers, and proceeds to describe the feat for which he got the highest honour which can be gained by a British soldier. Mr Trimble writes:-
‘His first act of bravery was when the battalion was holding a position under very heavy German fire. The men of his company were suffering severely from thirst, caused by the fumes of cordite, and to make things more exasperating, a pump with a splendid supply of water was visible ina farmyard close by. Morrow suddenly jumped up, festooned himself with water bottles, and carrying two buckets, crawled to the pump and amid a hail of German bullets, filled bottles and buckets. Unhurt, he regained the line, but some of the bottle were hit and the pump was badly chipped. He repeated the brave deed until he was stopped by his officer. In the dark, however, he managed to get through again with others to the great relief of thirsty men. He gained the Victoria Cross as ‘Roamer’ states, but was killed shortly afterwards when rescuing some comrades who had been buried in a trench by enemy shells. I was informed that if he had lived, he would have been named for a further decoration. He was awarded posthumously the Royal Cross of St George. King George pinned the decoration upon Mrs Morrow’s breast in Buckingham Palace,’
There is a memorial in his honour in Newmills.
Robert Morrow V.C. © 2015-23
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